Free Thoughts: Falling in love with words again
I’ve missed sitting down and writing words. Any words at all.
For the past few years, writing has been a chore. I can’t make that sound any prettier, unfortunately. It’s been rough for a multitude of reasons:
Feeling stifled by perceived time availability
Fear of not writing something worthwhile
Writer’s block
And a few others that aren’t readily coming to me
Today (January 21st, 2023), I found the inspiration to sit down and scribble some words and then type them into this post. I appreciate the inspiration for showing up exactly when I need it. Short aside, being left-handed means getting ink of the side of my hand because it never dries fast enough.
This time last year, FKA Twigs dropped this wonderful project titled Caprisongs. I’m listening to it right now. I love every single song on it. No skips for me. FKA Twigs is one of my favorite artists of the 2010s. I’ve mentioned her on the podcast numerous times but more praise can’t hurt, right? Twigs’ artistry is propelling my urge to be free and write. And why wouldn’t it?? She’s so cool. A dancer, visionary, and all-around fun person in addition to being a talented recording artist. She always pushes the envelope and tests the lengths of boundaries in her music and beyond. I aspire to embody more of those qualities in my writing.
To quell my hang-up of writing on this platform without a music-related aspect, I created a playlist to go along with this post. Look at me go!