'Support Local'

We hear the phrase "support local" used in many different avenues: farms, shops, businesses, restaurants...you name it! Of course one of BINACT's main focuses is pushing the local music but why? Who cares about local music scenes, especially in Columbia, SC? Who cares about little Columbia at all?

I do.

Just like family, you can't choose where you're born. I'm blessed to call Columbia my hometown and after years of grunting and groaning, I wear Soda City on me with so much pride. 

My 'Support Local' movement is more than a simple hashtag or catchy phrase. It's a mantra and principle that BINACT firmly stands on. Everything about these shirts is Columbia, from the logo design to the screen printers. My movement is more than coming to an indie show or copping a mixtape. Supporting local is doing the work to make the place we call home the best place it possibly can be. I'm striving to use my talents to make Columbia an even greater place whether that be through writing, curating events, or pushing the music scene forward. I'm working!

If you're down to work with me or help me reach my goal, consider rocking a tee!

Who Dat Wednesday - 9/6/17 Playlist

Who Dat Wednesday - 8/23/17 Playlist